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Swedteam Hambra Green Trousers

Swedteam Hambra  Green Trousers
Swed Team
Dog Training
Waterproof Breeks /Trs
Swedteam Hambra Green Trousers- Waterproof and Breathable- LIGHTWEIGHT and NEW for 2016- Hand /Cargo and rear pockets- Multiple zipped vents for breathability- Adjustable ankle strap and lace hook for tying down onto boots-Great for active hunting and walking -Colour Green Sizes 36"-48"
Price £129.95

You can browse the site but we're only currently taking orders for Blackislander products. To place an order email or call 01381 621270.

Blackislander, 13 Knockmuir View, Avoch, Ross-shire, Scotland IV9 8RY
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